Running an efficient club comes with many expenses. In recent years, the public schools have been hurt by budget cuts, and this translates into no school support for our club. Although we conduct fundraisers often, the money we raise is not enough. The money we raise goes towards offsetting the cost to all members and helping students who could otherwise not afford to attend conferences. Furthermore, a significant amount of our funds goes towards essential equipment and transportation. This leaves little money for additional expenses and financial security from year to year. Any donations would help the Huron Chapter of Business Professionals of America ensure financial stability and a successful year. The members of Business Professionals of America are attempting to get a head start on their future and any donations would be greatly appreciated!
Average Cost for a BPA Member in 2017-2018
$80 (Membership and Regional Leadership Conference/Competition)
$300 (State Leadership Conference/Competition)
$875 (National Leadership Conference/Competition)
$1,255 Total Average Cost Per Student
Average Cost for a BPA Member in 2017-2018
$80 (Membership and Regional Leadership Conference/Competition)
$300 (State Leadership Conference/Competition)
$875 (National Leadership Conference/Competition)
$1,255 Total Average Cost Per Student
How to Donate?
Donations may be made online using the following website:$huronbpa
or by using the Square Cash App (iPhone or Android) and using the $huronbpa payment handle
Donations may also be made via check mailed to the address below. Please make checks payable to BPA Huron Chapter.
Ann Arbor Huron High School
Attn: BPA Club
2727 Fuller Rd
Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Your donation is tax deductible and our tax group exempt number can be found in the document below.
503(c) Nonprofit Thank You Note
Donations may be made online using the following website:$huronbpa
or by using the Square Cash App (iPhone or Android) and using the $huronbpa payment handle
Donations may also be made via check mailed to the address below. Please make checks payable to BPA Huron Chapter.
Ann Arbor Huron High School
Attn: BPA Club
2727 Fuller Rd
Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Your donation is tax deductible and our tax group exempt number can be found in the document below.
503(c) Nonprofit Thank You Note
If you would like to sponsor us, please fill out the form below and contact [email protected] with a date and time to pick up your complete sponsor form and check. Huron BPA representative will arrive per your request.
Sponsor Form
Past sponsor grants and donations from alumni and organizations such as the Ann Arbor Kiwanis Foundation have allowed student members of Business Professionals of America compete at State and National Competitions. The following picture shows the winners from the 2013-2014 State Competition that grants from generous local businesses helped send to the National Business Professionals of America competition in Indianapolis, IN.
Sponsor Form
Past sponsor grants and donations from alumni and organizations such as the Ann Arbor Kiwanis Foundation have allowed student members of Business Professionals of America compete at State and National Competitions. The following picture shows the winners from the 2013-2014 State Competition that grants from generous local businesses helped send to the National Business Professionals of America competition in Indianapolis, IN.
Past BPA Sponsors:
Contact Information and Address:
Ann Arbor Huron High School
Attn: BPA Club
2727 Fuller Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Phone: (734) 997-1900 x 37568
Email: [email protected]
Ann Arbor Huron High School
Attn: BPA Club
2727 Fuller Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Phone: (734) 997-1900 x 37568
Email: [email protected]